Life Goes On …..

It’s been a quite some time since my last confession, that being the confession of my activities and reporting of such on this site. You are likely aware of that fact, that’s it’s been some time, if you’ve been following.

I’ve been away, camping to be precise, then home and frittering about the yard, and a quick trip to Kelowna to see Madden and family (or maybe should be Ayron and family??). At any rate I’ve been occupied. It is my plan to get some photos posted of those events, very soon I hope.

All that being said I’ve also spent a great deal of time (read that ‘hours’) on collecting and updating family history. Needless to say there is a ‘bunch’ of info on there and my challenge is controlling myself and researching only portions of the family history that seem to be most timely. What is most timely though, that IS the question.

On the family front I received a nice email and photo from Lawrence Renshaw a couple weeks ago. I apologize Lawrence for not getting to this sooner. I’ve also heard from Sandra and most recently from Walter and Polley, also family members from the Renshaw side. So to date I’ve got the attention of the Gale’s and the Renshaw’s, I’m seeing a definite shortage of Sklapsky’s speaking up, so please don’t be shy if you’re out there.

In the meantime here’s a couple photos to wet your whistle.