Chugging along

There is progress to be made, and progress has been achieved. I am methodically going through my photos and slowly updating the TNG Family Tree here on this site. It is a process, let me tell you.

To explain, as much for my benefit as others, my primary tree is online and held by Ancestry, while a powerful and ubiquitous genealogy site, is also privacy oriented (perhaps rightly so) and does not like to share any info. More than a few times I have tried to share the tree with others, and generally speaking most/many don’t want to sign up for an Ancestry membership in order to view the tree. They seem to find the process intimidating and onerous. As a result there are very few who have visited my tree to see what’s what.

Page forward to my research in finding another solution. That solution was to obtain a program that will integrate with my website. All I had to do, after installing it of course, was to upload all my photos and family data to it and make it all work nicely together. That is where I’m at right now.

The Family tree software I found is called “TNG – The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding”. With it I’ve created a duplicate Family Tree of the one on Ancestry, well almost. I say almost because there are some wrinkles in the process of transferring the data and photos. It’s not foolproof, and sometimes I make foolish moves. I am working through all of it.

The TNG family tree is live and while not accessible to the general public it can be made available by registering for a User Account. There is no charge for access, the registration only allows me to monitor, or control, who can view the tree information. At one time the tree was made public and I received some rude emails from individuals who saw some of their data shared. After that I made further changes to privacy and locked down the site.

So, have a look. If you want to join let me know. I’d be happy to hook you up.

Working, broken, Fixed, broken, Working???

This website has seen a few ups and downs in the last few months. In reality it has not only been this site that’s presented challenges, I have also had some moments. It’s been nothing too serious mind you, just normal ups and downs, but they took my focus away. I’m here now though so that’s a plus.

spending time here
spending time here

As I said the site became messed up a few weeks ago. That’s a technical term for unusable. The incorrect (old) pages would come up and none of the menus worked.I was able to resolve it, with a little help from my domain hosting company HostPapa, and I got it back into a working order of sorts a week or so ago. Things proceeded slowly toward normal until I broke it again a few days ago. Thankfully I figured out what happened and fixed it within minutes. Hopefully we are good now.

I’m happy to say the Facebook group page “Sklapsky Reunion” is attracting quite a bit of attention. I had mentioned it previously in a post titled Sklapsky Reunion Facebook page. Catchy title eh? The downside is you have to belong to Facebook, I don’t say ‘belong’ lightly because that’s what happens. Ultimately you can belong to Facebook, as in they ‘own’ you. That notwithstanding I think FB has some merits and that is one of them, the ability to connect diverse groups.

As a result of that connection I have some new family friends. I’ve learned a great deal about some of the branches of our family tree and expect to learn more. Hang in there, as promised more info will come.